http://activismnewsletterat.blogspot.com/ The Portland Alliance Portal to the Post Office: http://www.ThePortlandAlliance.org/postoffice Endorsed by the Willamette Reds! "People and Nature Before Profits! We're a working collective of socialists, communists, and independent leftists in Oregon's Willamette Valley. Yes, it is bread we fight for -- but we fight for roses, too " Save the the US Postal Service! May 24, 2012; Portland, Oregon Action Community Action: Occupy the Post Office Rally and March Thurs, May 24 , 5 pm, Terry Shrunk Plaza SW 3 rd and Madison (Portland, Oregon) Our public postal service is under attack with the Postmaster General poised to close 500 rural post offices while reducing hours from 25% to 75% at 13,000 rural post offices. On the chopping block are a number of urban post offices, mail handling lefts and Saturday delivery. This is an example of shrinking public services so that they can “be drowned in the bat...