The Portland Alliance Portal to the Post Office:
Endorsed by the Willamette Reds!
"People and Nature Before Profits!
We're a working collective of socialists, communists, and independent leftists
in Oregon's Willamette Valley. Yes, it is bread we fight for -- but we fight for roses, too "

Save the the US Postal Service! May 24, 2012; Portland, Oregon Action

Community Action: Occupy the Post Office Rally and March
Thurs, May 24, 5 pm, Terry Shrunk Plaza
SW 3rd and Madison (Portland, Oregon)
Our public postal service is under attack with the Postmaster General poised to close 500 rural post offices while reducing hours from 25% to 75% at 13,000 rural post offices. On the chopping block are a number of urban post offices, mail handling lefts and Saturday delivery. This is an example of shrinking public services so that they can “be drowned in the bathtub.” Who will benefit? Privatizers and union busters.
Join in a critical action to save our commons!!
Stop Closures. Stop Cuts.
Contact us: Click Here! / New online... The Alliance Gardening Portal
Occupy Portland!
MayDay! Free Fliers

The right to rebellion is the right to seek a higher rule

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