Vol. XXXIV, # 3 March 2014 / www.ThePortlandAlliance.org/2014/March

Today, a top US military official candidly admitted what we have known for years... The war in Iraq was about oil. www.ThePortlandAlliance.org/2014/March LABOR RADIO SHOW ThePortlandAlliance.org/laborradio KBOO Community Radio 90.7 FM presents: Labor Radio Show 6:00-6:30 pm Every Monday Night! CALL-IN & join the conversation ! 503-231-8187 March 31 st , 2014 Host: Michael Morrow -- 5 th Monday Guests Juan Carlos Ordonez and Scott Moore http://laborradiocollective.blogspot.com/2014/03/taxfairnessandincomedisparity.html _______________________________________________________________________________ A New P ostal A l l i a n c e ! A new postal unity Retired letter carrier Jamie Partridge reports on a new alliance that aims to combine the rank-and-file power of all four postal workers' unions. March 25, 2014 Gathered in Chicago for the APWU national day of action in 2012 (Carole Ramsden | SW) "TH...