Vol. XXXIV, # 3 March 2014 / www.ThePortlandAlliance.org/2014/March

Today, a top US military official candidly admitted
what we have known for years...
The  war in Iraq was about oil.


LABOR RADIO SHOWThePortlandAlliance.org/laborradio

 KBOO Community Radio
 90.7 FM presents: Labor Radio Show

6:00-6:30 pm Every Monday Night!

CALL-IN & join the conversation! 503-231-8187
  March 31st, 2014

Host: Michael Morrow-- 5
th Monday
Guests Juan Carlos Ordonez and Scott Moore


A New Postal Alliance!

A new postal unity
Retired letter carrier Jamie Partridge reports on a new alliance that aims to combine the rank-and-file power of all four postal workers' unions.
Gathered in Chicago for the APWU national day of action in 2012 (Carole Ramsden | SW)Gathered in Chicago for the APWU national day of action in 2012 (Carole Ramsden | SW)
"THE U.S. Postal Service is under unprecedented attack...The four postal unions stand together to end the attack." The mid-March proclamation of "A Postal Union Alliance" might seem just common sense to the outside observer, but to rank-and-file postal workers and their allies, it was a huge breath of fresh air.

The Fight for $15 Finally Comes to Portland »
Healthcare, War & Peace, Earth Day-Mayday, Wal-mart, Postal, News Bytes, Tax Reform, Immigration, Unions, PDX Black Leaders, etc.


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Stumping for Justice in Stumptown

The Fight for $15 Finally Comes to Portland

Like the Occupy movement before it, the “fight for $15” came to Portland as a transplant. Portland activists watched events in Seattle with a skeptical eye, but Seattle’s “fantasy” of $15 was transformed into an emerging reality, now replete with the support of the Mayor and City Council who are working on a plan to implement the new minimum wage.
Tom Engelhardt /
Tom H. Hastings theportlandalliance.org/hastings

Salt and Terror in Afghanistan
by Kathy Kelly
In late January in a room in Kabul, Afghanistan, I joined several dozen people, working seamstresses, some college students, socially engaged teenagers and a few visiting internationals like myself, to discuss world hunger. Our emphasis was not exclusively on their own country’s worsening hunger problems. The Afghan Peace Volunteers, in whose home we were meeting, draw strength from looking beyond their own very real struggles.
Theresa Kennedy-Dupay
Kucinich /
Michael Munk /

Obama won the ‘08 primary because he opposed the invasion while Hillary defended it. He tried to keep the US occupation going but the Iraqis refused to immunize US troops who commit war crimes as Obama demanded. Any Obamatons left after this disgraceful rant?-MM
Myers / Military Personnel
Cheating on tests!
William Reed /
Mark Schwebke /
Norman Solomon /
Vorpahl /
Lawrence S. Wittner


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