Community Calendar for January 2012



      A Fundraiser for Leonard Peltier and Political Prisoners
      Thursday January 19th 2012 7-10pm
      Sliding scale $5-10 suggested donation at door but nobody turned away for lack of funds
      Laughing Books- 12 NE 10th Street, Portland, OR
      *This event is free, all ages and open to the public!
      Come and support Leonard Peltier and other Political Prisoners as we gear up for the NW clemency march and rally for Leonard Peltier in Tacoma, WA on February 4th 2012. We will show film clips about Leonard’s case. Various artists and musicians (TBA) will be featured with some great film features by the B-media Collective. AND amazing vegan baked goods for sale! All money raised will be donated to NW Leonard Peltier Offense Defense Committee and the Oregon Jericho Amnesty Movement to help support sign/flyer making and transportation for the February Clemency march for Leonard Peltier!

      Jan 20th and Feb 24th at 6:30 pm, at First Unitarian Church (1101 SW 13th, Portland). Rethinking Psychiatry Project of EJAG events: Film Festival and national Petition Campaign.
      WACIPI Thirteenth Annual Traditional Pow-Wow:  Portland Community College
      and the Sylvania Multicultural Center are proud to present WACIPI - a celebration of Native American culture and tradition.Powwow Image

      Please join us for an extraordinary campus and community celebration. This cultural event features drum groups and dancers from across the region and attracts more than 1,000 participants each year. It supports the PCC Native American Scholarship Fund and Native American businesses by offering vendor space.

      Saturday, January 21, 2012

      Sylvania Campus, Health Technology Building (HT) Doors open at 12 noon
      Activities for children: 12 noon - 9pm
      College Fair: 12 noon - 4pm
      Grand Entries: 1pm and 7pm
      Community Dinner: 5:30pm
      more info:
      One of the most important labor struggles of our generation is happening in our backyard. Just one hour away in Longview, WA, the 1% is making an historic grab to break the labor movement. EGT has broken the 80-year-long standing agreement with ILWU, a union well known for its role in supporting the struggles of 99%.
      Join Occupy Portland, Occupy Oakland, Occupy Longview, and a growing number of unions and organizations in mobilizing to Longview as soon as we receive the call for solidarity. This is a massive mobilization and all eyes are on us in Portland to help provide housing and transportation for supporters from as far away as Florida!
      Help spread the word far and wide. We've attached the LIUNA Laborers 483 Resolution as a sample resolution in support of this action. The online caravan sign up form (link above and below) will help us count our numbers and organize our emergency mobilization plan.
      Our next planning meeting is on Saturday, 1/21 @6pm at the SEIU 503 Hall, 6401 SE Foster Rd.
      More links to get involved:
      See you in Longview!
      -Occupy Portland Labor Solidarity Committee
      Definition of SOLIDARITY
              : unity (as of a group or class) that produces or is based on community of interests, objectives, and standards.

      NW Alliance Phone Banking Sunday, January 22nd, 6:00-8:30pm at The Communication Workers of America (CMA) offices at 10011 S.E. DIVISION ST., SUITE 302, PORTLAND, OR 97266 Madelyn Elder, president of CWA, has kindly offered to let Volunteers for the Alliance use the CWA facilites for a this phone bank!
        • When
          Sunday, January 22, 2012
        • Time
          6:00pm until 8:00pm
      • Description
        3 generations ago it was acceptable that women couldn't vote. 2 generations ago it was acceptable that people were divided on a bus by the color of their skin.
        Today in the U.S. it is acceptable that the lack of insurance leads to 45,000 unnecessary deaths each year and ...that 60% of all bankruptcies that filed are due to the inability to pay outrageous medical bills. Today, the U.S. is the only industrialized nation that does not have a Universal Healthcare System. Bring your questions to this teach-in or just listen to Dr. Paul Gorman and guests discuss Healthcare in the U.S and in other nations. See More
      3120 N. Williams Ave, Portland, OR 97227

    • NW Alliance Phone Banking Monday, January 23nd, 6:00-8:30pm at The Communication Workers of America (CMA) offices at 10011 S.E. DIVISION ST., SUITE 302, PORTLAND, OR 97266 Madelyn Elder, president of CWA, has kindly offered to let Volunteers for the Alliance use the CWA facilites for a this phone bank!  We will provide coffee, tea snacks, training, a script!
      NW Alliance Phone Banking Tuesday, January 24, 6:00-8:30pm at The Communication Workers of America (CMA) offices at 10011 S.E. DIVISION ST., SUITE 302, PORTLAND, OR 97266 /  We will be calling friendly people who care about the Alliance to encourage volunteer support and donations to cover expenses and get our March Issue Printed!

      • When

      • Tuesday, January 24, 2012
      • Time
        12:00pm until 2:00pm

    • Where
      900 SW 5th Ave, Portland, OR

    • Description
      On November 17th, 9 members of PCASC were arrested for standing in opposition to Wells Fargo's investment in private prisons.

      Wells Fargo invests in private prison companys GEO Group and Corrections Corporation of America (CCA). These companies fund the writing & passing
      ... of racist and oppressive laws which criminalize communities of color in order to fill their prisons for maximized profit.

      On January 24th we return to Wells Fargo to demand the divestment of stock in private prisons. It's a national day of action against Wells Fargo.

      Join us along with other community organizations as we stand against Wells Fargo's racist investments.

      We'll be meeting at the Standard Insurance Building at 900 SW 5th Ave at 12pm til 2pm.

      The National Prison Industry Divestment Campaign is working to expose the profiteering of Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) and the GEO Group, the biggest private prison companies in the US, who are making millions off the separation and incarceration of immigrants and communities of color at the expense of our tax dollars. We are calling on all prison shareholders to divest from the prison industry.
      End the deportations and the raids!
      Abolish All Prisons!
      Legalization Now!

    • The Oregon Working Families Party needs your help!  As you may know, we are co-hosting a Portland city council and mayoral candidate forum with Occupy Portland on Saturday, January 28th from 1-4 p.m. at the Portland State University Campus.  
      We will be conducting a phone bank next week Tuesday through Thursday Jan. 24th-26th from 6-8 p.m. to let our supporters know about the forum and encourage people to attend.  This will be a great opportunity to volunteer for your friendly local WFP chapter and keep up to date on the great work that we are doing.  To show our appreciation for you, dinner will be provided.
      What: Volunteer Phone Bank
      When: Tues, Wed., and Thurs. Jan. 24th-26th from 6-8 p.m.
      Where:  The WFP Produce Row Office 333 SE 2nd Ave.
      Hope to see you there!
      In Solidarity,
      Sami Alloy
      Samantha Alloy
      Campus Organizer
      Oregon Working Families Party
      (971) 207-0081
      WhenWednesday, January 25, 2012
      Time9:00pm until 10:00pm
      St. Francis (9pm) + Hungry Tiger Too (10)
      Fun. Bikes. Corn Dogs. $1 PBR. Fliers.

      Next Wednesday night meet up at St Francis with a roll of tape, staple gun, or paste and group up for a fun hour of flash flier mobbing Portland with F29 fliers.

      After an hour of fast flier activism come back and hang out with Occupy friends at $1 PBR and $1.25 vegan corn dogs at Hungry Tiger Too!

      NW Alliance Editorial Committee Meeting. Thursday, January 26th, at Laughing Horse at 12 NE 10th Ave. (Just North of E. Burnside)
7pm to 9pm Get together with great people and friends to plan the March issue and discuss everyday presentations on the online resources. Bring submissions, ideas for topics to discuss, issues to consider, and events and actions to include!

      BBQ & Office Work Party: Sunday, January 29th, at The Portland Alliance Production Office, 5926 N. Albina Ave. Please come by for the unglamorous but critical work of filing, data entry, mailngs, printing fliers, promotion, bookkeeping, web pages, repair, sorting, hanging art displays, creating storefront display, etc. We will light the grill at 1pm to eat by 2pm... work shifts from 3pm to 7pm... We can really use your help. Volunteers can schedule other hours at their discretion. Submissions of articles, work, reviews, photos, art, & writing always welcome!

      February 4th, 2012, 12:00 NOON: MARCH FOR JUSTICE
      Portland Ave. Park (on Portland Ave. between E. 35th & E. Fairbanks.
      Take Portland Ave. exit off I-5 and head east),
      1:00 PM: RALLY FOR JUSTICE U.S. Federal Court House,
      1717-Pacific Ave., Tacoma, WA
      PORTLAND, meet up outside of KBOO Radio Station (20 SE 8th, Portland, OR 97124) before embarking to Tacoma between 9:00-9:30am.


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