Vol. XXXIV, Number 9 September 2014

PDX Police Updates
Speaking Truth to Power Since 1981
“Triple Divide” The filmmakers use cold hard facts : http://www.ThePortlandAlliance.org/alliancefordemocracy

Fall Conversion from War to Peace:

Tuesday, Sept, 2, 12 noon - 2 PM, Grace Presbyterian Church, 6025  NE Prescott St
Eastside democratic Club meeting (Monthly)

Public is invited

Thursday, Sept. 4, 7 PM, First Congregational Church
1126 SW Park Ave

Echoes of the Vietnam War

Featuring Christian Appy, University of Massachusetts Amherst;Daniel Ellsberg,
who released The Pentagon Papers; and Lt. Colonel Thuy Tran, Oregon Air National Guard.
Saturday, Sept. 6, 12 PM,, Portland State University, Smith Memorial Student Union, Rm 296/8  In The Face of Repression, Organizing in spite of the Surveillance State
a day of workshops, history lessons, strategy sessions and solidarity

Find out details on above and much more at the NW Alliance Community Calendar

http://www.ThePortlandAlliance.org/ISISRise of ISIS Highlights
 Irony of U.S. Foreign Policy

By Stephen Zunes




Smoke rises after an Israeli missile strike hits the Gaza Strip. 7 July 2014

moke rises after an Israeli missile strike hits Gaza Strip

Commentary by
 Nancy Weaver...

“See this!

       We’re doing this to ourselves.

       It is madness. 
Mass incarceration.

       Militarized police. Guns for anyone.

9 year- old girls. We’re insane. 


See more at: http://hollywoodtheatre.org/inequality-for-all/#sthash.MLjShSBy.ZqntgYHh.dpuf

Inequality for All

Published on October 8th, 2013
inequalposterAt the heart of the film is a simple proposition: what is a good society, and what role does the widening income gap play in the deterioration of our nation’s economic health? We are endeavoring for Inequality for All to be a paradigm-shifting, eye-opening experience for the American public. We want to accurately show through a non-partisan perspective why extreme income inequality is such an important topic for our citizens today and for the future of America.
Starts Friday October 11th
- See more at: http://hollywoodtheatre.org/inequality-for-all/#sthash.MLjShSBy.ZqntgYHh.dpuf

"People have only as much liberty
as they have the intelligence to want
and the courage to take.”

Emma Goldman


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