Vol. XXXV, Number 3  March 2015
PDX Police Updates

       Speaking Truth to Power Since 1981
Feb 2015Jan 2015Dec 2014Nov 2014Oct 2014
Featuring: Healthcare, War & Peace, Earth Day-Mayday, Wal-mart, Postal, News Bytes, Immigration, a fossil free future for Portland:

The fate of the socialist left is tied
to that of the working class movement
—and the last four decades of one-sided class war have had dire consequences for both. The thread linking today’s generation of young workers to U.S. labor’s proud history of class struggle has been effectively broken and must be developed anew. This is a daunting but necessary task for rebuilding the working-class movement. Get the whole story:
  An ISO View of the Future of the Left  by Jennifer Roesch and Sharon Smith__________________________________________________________________________________
A community forum of
     leaders and activists
   discussing vision and
   strategy for liberation

   Sunday, March 1 at 1pm - 4pm at
          3536 SE 26th Ave,
        Portland, Oregon 97202

more info:


"Winter Blues" Music Festival is pleased to announce that after three successful years,
WBMF is returning with another weekend of great music to chase away the wintertime blues.

The Fourth Annual "Winter Blues" Music Festival will be held on
March 14, 2015
more info:
                    A Portal to Winter Blues Music Festival

Native American Tribes
Take on Pot, Consider Gambling on Legalization:

Studies and possible votes loom on American Indian lands. 

A budtender pours marijuana from a jar at Perennial Holistic Wellness Center medical marijuana dispensary, which opened in 2006, on July 25, 2012 in Los Angeles

The Department of Justice has said federally recognized tribes may grow and sell marijuana. 
By Steven Nelson + More

Native American tribes are eyeing marijuana legalization as a potentially lucrative business opportunity in the wake of a green light from the Department of Justice in December.

Will the U.S. Government Stand Alone
in Rejecting Children’s Rights?

By Lawrence S. Wittner

Within a matter of months,
the U.S. government seems
likely to become the only nation
in the world still rejecting the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights
of the Child
.  Sometimes called “the most ratified
human rights treaty in history,” the Convention has been ratified by 195
, leaving the United States and South Sudan as the
only holdouts.  South Sudan is expected to move forward
with ratification later this year.   But there is no indication
that the United States will approve this children’s defense treaty.

How the US Helped
Create Al Qaeda and ISIS

vol 22 no 1 coverthumbMuch like Al Qaeda, the Islamic State (ISIS) is made-in-the-USA, an instrument of terror designed to divide and conquer the oil-rich Middle
East and to counter Iran’s growing influence in the region.
The fact that the United States has a long and torrid history of backing terrorist groups will surprise only those who watch the news and ignore history.
...The director of the National Security Agency under Ronald Reagan,
General William Odom recently remarked, “by any measure the U.S. has
long used terrorism. In 1978-79 the Senate was trying to pass a law against international terrorism – in every version they produced, the lawyers said
the U.S. would be in violation.”

         the rest of the story:
               at the NW Alliance Portal to Counterpunch
03/06/2015 7:30 pm
A Portland Police Memoir,
with foreword by crime writer Phil Stanford, is a fascinating first-hand account of the Portland Police Department during the gritty 60s & 70s. DuPay's compassionate and insightful book paints compelling--and sometimes disturbing-- portraits of a cop, a police department and a city.  Join us for the launch of this book, enjoy treats with us, and hear Don's anecdotes about the St. Johns of 40 years ago.
Location: 8622 N Lombard St / Portland, Oregon
97203-3731   /   United States

Sterling Trial Opens in Security-State Matrix

jeffrey-sterlingWhen the trial of former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling got
underway Tuesday in Northern Virginia, prospective jurors
made routine references to “three-letter agencies” and
alphabet-soup categories of security clearances. In an
area where vast partnerships between intelligence
agencies and private contractors saturate everyday life,
the jury pool was bound to please the prosecution.
...From what I could tell, none of those with direct connections to intelligence agencies ended up in the jury box. But affinities with agencies like the CIA seemed implicit in the courtroom. Throughout the jury selection, there was scarcely a hint that activities of those agencies might merit disapproval.
                  more info:
Alliance Prison Radio Portal 

America has Got a Prison Problem    (5:35) by Kenneth Hartman

spend five  minutes at:

..Audio evidence has Keaton Otis screaming, his are hands up. An officer shouts, “Let’s do it!” and three members of Portland's anti-gang HEAT Team open fire...
Keaton Otis Portal
Rally for Justice: March 12, Thursday 6pm

An Obituary:  Preserved in Memory:
I wanted to pass along the message
so that others who knew Chris
through the Portland
Central America
Solidarity Committee
could help us all
remember him.

I was working with PCASC
when Chris got involved
as a volunteer.
He was brilliantly
creative and always
challenged himself
to learn new things.

C-bear was a friend- a loving and fun-loving friend. The kind
who would make you a mix-tape and find a bed on the side of
the road for you. He gave great hugs, even though I could
pretty much only reach his waist.

He was gentle. He listened. He loved his Grandma. In fact,
I think there is a story-corp interview somewhere that he
did with his Grandmother. There were moments when he
would share a little of the pain he felt. That vulnerability
was a gift. C-bear, know you are loved my soooo many.
I hope you have found the peace you were looking for. xxoo, Megan
more on Chris:

The Northwest Writers & Publishers Association (NWPA)
and the Tualatin Public Library are proud to present:
Tuesday, March 10, 2015     Producing Pitch-perfect Project Promotion
Where: Tualatin Public Library at 18878 SW Martinazzi Ave. / Tualatin, OR 97062
     When: Tuesday, March 10 from 6:30 - 8:30pm

with J. Wandres  more info:

Book Review   American History 101 
Conspiracy Nation
by Mike Palecek ... art by Allison Healy
"Mike Palecek writes with passion, wit, and always with a strong social conscience."   — Howard Zinn

"Terse and funny and dry as a dead Iowa corn snake baking in the sun. Palecek delivers a quick, deadpan slap to reactionary, mindless post-9/11 America. The sting is delightful."   — Mark Morford, San Francisco Chronicle

More Alliance Book Reviews!

"People have only as much liberty as they have the intelligence to want
and the courage to take.”
Emma Goldman

The right to rebellion is the right to seek a higher rule... GEORGE ELIOT
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                    And Checkout The Alliance Community Action Calendar

Too Much Coffee Man
Checkout the newest information on challenging the TPP!

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       New Page!  Silicon India Portal


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