The May 2015 Portland Alliance!

Vol. XXXV, Number 5    May 2015

Speaking Truth to Power and Distressing the PDX Elite Since 1981 Of, by and for the People!
  Obama want's to be your Big Brother
"After denouncing his predecessor's warrantless wiretapping, Obama presided over the construction
of a surveillance state more expansive than any democracy has ever known.  What he hid includes...

People continue to die in Afghanistan, Algeria,
Iraq, LIbya, Somalia, Pakistan and Yemen.
These are not accidents. And they will not end until we insist.

Tomgram: Nick Turse, How Washington Creates Global Instability | is for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of our
post-9/11 world and a clear sense of how our imperial globe actually works.

    The Portland Alliance Celebrates MAY DAY!
                          International Workers' Day


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