Portland Alliance Partners : NW Progressive Directory and More... . join an organization and work for peace, justice, and freedom. We make a difference! ACLU : /American Civil LIberties Union AFL-CIO / AFD / Alliance for Democracy AMA / Backspace B-Media Collective Bread&Roses / CIO / Center for Intercultural Organizing CAUSA / Latino immigrant rights CLG / Citizens for Legitimate Govt. Code Pink Common Dreams / CWA / Communication Wrkers of America DIA / Democracy in Action Democracy Now / Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) First Unitarian Church / FSP / Freedom Socialist Party General Strike Green Shadow Cabinet ! Huffington Post Portal ISO / International Socialist Org. Jobs w\ Justice / Kathy Kelly K...
« Freedom Vol. XXXV, # 3: March 2015 www.ThePortlandAlliance.org/2015/March February 21, 2015 by thewordsmithcollection | Edit Checkout the March Portland Alliance!ll Real News… http://www.ThePortlandAlliance.org/2015/March The fate of the socialist left is tied to that of the working class movement —and the last four decades of one-sided class war have had dire consequences for both. The thread linking today’s generation of young workers to U.S. labor’s proud history of class struggle has been effectively broken and must be developed anew. This is a daunting but necessary task for rebuilding the working-class movement. Get the whole story : http://www.theportlandalliance.org/iso An ISO View of the Future of the Left by Jennifer Roesch and Sharon Smith A community forum of leaders and activists discussing vision and strategy for liberation on Sunday, March 1 from 1pm – 4pm at 3536 SE 26th Ave, Po...
http://activismnewsletterat.blogspot.com/ The Portland Alliance Portal to the Post Office: http://www.ThePortlandAlliance.org/postoffice Endorsed by the Willamette Reds! "People and Nature Before Profits! We're a working collective of socialists, communists, and independent leftists in Oregon's Willamette Valley. Yes, it is bread we fight for -- but we fight for roses, too " Save the the US Postal Service! May 24, 2012; Portland, Oregon Action Community Action: Occupy the Post Office Rally and March Thurs, May 24 , 5 pm, Terry Shrunk Plaza SW 3 rd and Madison (Portland, Oregon) Our public postal service is under attack with the Postmaster General poised to close 500 rural post offices while reducing hours from 25% to 75% at 13,000 rural post offices. On the chopping block are a number of urban post offices, mail handling lefts and Saturday delivery. This is an example of shrinking public services so that they can “be drowned in the bat...
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