Writer's Meeting!

    • Today
    • 7:00pm until 9:00pm

  • There is
    a Writers meeting
    Thursday, February 23

    at Laughing Horse

    to talk about truth, writing, alternative media, an MRG grant, the next two issues, and more... we will have special guests, food, coffee, tea, and great people who care about the 99%!

    This editorial c...ommittee meeting is open to interested writers, photographers, editors, artists, journalists, friends, and everyday people. On Thursday, February 23, at Laughing Horse at 12 NE 10th Ave. (Just North of E. Burnside) 7pm to 9pm

    Get together with great people to plan the March print issue, and to do a final copy-edit on the Winter Issue for immediate release online at http://www.theportlandalliance.org/,

    We will also talk about the Justice Conference, Mayday, Portland Rising, Occupy, Labor Radio, JWJ, F-29 and more!

    Bring submissions, articles, reviews, photos, etc.
    Come to Laughing Horse Books for Alternative Media, Occupy, Truth, and Radical Revolutionary Community! Theresa and Crystal are bringing food! We will have coffee, tea, and food to share...
    Occupy Laughing Horse! Call 503-327-8377 with questions.
    See More


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